Safety Tips for Seniors Living Alone

Safety Tips for Seniors Living Alone

Millions of Americans over the age of 65 live alone at home, and while it has its perks of freedom and independence, emergencies can be scary, such as accidents, falls, or power outages. Elderly care in Grand Terrace, California lists the following ways you can make your home a safe haven:

  • Make falling precautions.
    Falling is one of the major causes of fatal injury among the elderly, so take preventive measures seriously. Declutter your home of tripping hazards, limit the use of stairs, use slip-free carpets or mats, use brighter lighting, and start regularly doing balance exercises.
  • Have phone chargers in most rooms.
    Having chargers ready in almost every room at home even in the car keeps you prepared in case of unexpected events. With the phone battery always full, you can easily contact your listed persons of emergency or 911.
  • Keep batteries and flashlights on every floor.
    To prepare for power outages, an adult facility in California usually has flashlights, batteries, candles, and matches or lighter on every floor put in the most accessible locations.
  • Update your contact list.
    Even if you are in boarding care, make sure that you always keep your contact numbers updated. This includes the fire company and local police, your doctor, and closest family members.

Are you the one caring for your senior loved ones? Entrust their safety to Terrace Gardens as we give you the respite care that you need.

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